Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Winter Blues

I haven't left this little hill since New Year's Eve. Only 4-wheel drive vehicles can get up my hill, so I am pretty isolated right now. Tomorrow I have appointments with my doctors, so I will be getting out of the house. It seems a little sad to look forward to a doctor's appointment just to get out of the house.

With the prospect of leaving the house I return to my fear of exposure to a trigger for my anaphylaxis. You never know when you are out of your controlled environment when you may get accidentally exposed. People have no idea how easily they can make someone very sick. Another patient wearing perfume or scented lotions may send me into anaphylaxis.

Last night I was very tired from pushing myself to do more during the day. I have been told to try and build my stamina, and I have made slight improvement. I can now empty the dishwasher all at once without resting. That is my max at this point, but is certainly better than resting twice during an emptying. I actually made a pot of soup, spent time writing checks for payments on my many medical bills, and did a couple of loads of laundry also yesterday. The fatigue did sent me into anaphylaxis again, so once again I took a step backward. I am very weak and tired today - usually post anaphylaxis stuff.

I continue to be so very thankful for my wonderful family. Without them I would not survive. 

I also want to thank the parents of the Mastin twins, who are helping me with some of my PICC line supplies. Every small thing means so much. They lost their Great-grandfather Junior Martin this week. Please remember their family in your thoughts and prayers.

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